Service maintenance
- Spark Plugs (Each), DUSTER PHASE II 2.0L 4W, HMMSBHD 2.200 BHD 1.980 Inclusive of all taxes
- Engine Oil Filter, DUSTER PHASE II CVT 1.6L , HMM1BHD 2.750 BHD 2.475 Inclusive of all taxes
- Engine Oil Filter, DUSTER PHASE II 2.0L 4W, HMMSBHD 2.750 BHD 2.475 Inclusive of all taxes
- Engine Oil Filter, LOGAN VAN, FS0DBHD 2.750 BHD 2.475 Inclusive of all taxes
- Air Filter, DUSTER PHASE II 2.0L 4W, HMMSBHD 6.050 BHD 5.445 Inclusive of all taxes
- Micro Filter, DUSTER PHASE II 2.0L 4W, HMMSBHD 7.700 BHD 6.930 Inclusive of all taxes
- Micro Filter, DUSTER PHASE II CVT 1.6L , HMM1BHD 7.700 BHD 6.930 Inclusive of all taxes
- Drive Belt, LOGAN VAN, FS0DBHD 9.900 BHD 8.910 Inclusive of all taxes
- Micro Filter, LOGAN VAN, FS0DBHD 9.900 BHD 8.910 Inclusive of all taxes
- Spark Plugs (Each), X-TERRA, P60ABHD 11.000 BHD 9.900 Inclusive of all taxes
- Spark Plugs (Each), ALTIMA 2.0L, L34BHD 11.000 BHD 9.900 Inclusive of all taxes
- Spark Plugs (Each), ALTIMA 2.5L, L34BHD 11.000 BHD 9.900 Inclusive of all taxes
- Drive Belt, ALTIMA 2.5L, L34BHD 12.100 BHD 10.890 Inclusive of all taxes
- Micro Filter, X-TERRA, P60ABHD 13.200 BHD 11.880 Inclusive of all taxes
- Air Filter, X-TERRA, P60ABHD 13.200 BHD 11.880 Inclusive of all taxes
- Drive Belt, ALTIMA 2.0L, L34BHD 13.200 BHD 11.880 Inclusive of all taxes
- Air Filter, ALTIMA 2.0L, L34BHD 13.750 BHD 12.375 Inclusive of all taxes
- Air Filter, ALTIMA 2.5L, L34BHD 13.750 BHD 12.375 Inclusive of all taxes
- AT Filter, ALTIMA 2.0L, L34BHD 16.500 BHD 14.850 Inclusive of all taxes
- AT Filter, ALTIMA 2.5L, L34BHD 16.500 BHD 14.850 Inclusive of all taxes
- Micro Filter, ALTIMA 2.0L, L34BHD 20.900 BHD 18.810 Inclusive of all taxes
- Micro Filter, ALTIMA 2.5L, L34BHD 20.900 BHD 18.810 Inclusive of all taxes
- Drive Belt, X-TERRA, P60ABHD 24.200 BHD 21.780 Inclusive of all taxes